Complete worry-free care for your computers!
The PC Crew Monthly Care Plan is the ultimate all-inclusive maintenance plan for your computer and includes security, maintenance, prevention, backup, and remote assistance* so most of the time you won’t even need to leave your house when you have an IT issue. Here’s what is included:

Professional Anti-virus
Award-winning, professional antivirus software, fully updated protecting your system from all forms of viruses, adware, malware, hackers, ransomware, and key loggers.

Remote assistance*
Remote sessions included to resolve minor niggles/software problems often saving the need for a visit.

Automatic Cloud Backup
Quickly restore your personal data in the event of theft or system crash, includes photos/videos, music and documents.

Ongoing Automated Maintenance
State-of-the-art software performs daily, weekly, and monthly scans, keeping your machine running smoothly.

Email Support
Inclusive advice and support by email.

Discounted Workshop Repairs and Visits
10% discount on all other repairs**
How it works
Our Monthly Care Plan uses the magic of the installation of our RMM Tool. The Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tool is used for managing your computer remotely. This tool allows us to perform a multitude of tasks to keep your device running safely and smoothly. The 5 main roles are:
Real-time remote monitoring and alerts:
The tool monitors the health and performance of your devices, and we are alerted before they become disruptive problems.
Behind-the-scenes remote maintenance and remediation:
The RMM tool allows us to deploy software, manage updates, run scripts.
Automating routine IT management:
The tool automates a wide variety of common IT tasks running them at regular intervals.
Remote tools:
Allows us to remotely connect to your device to fix ad-hoc issues you may be experiencing (with your permission).
Anti-Virus Management:
Deploys and maintains the professional antivirus protection.

Business Care Plan
We offer a care plan specifically with businesses in mind providing a more in-depth and thorough maintenance schedule, management of updates and a much quicker turnaround of remote assistance sessions.
For more information please visit the Business care plan page.
For more information email sales@thepccrew.co.uk or call 01937 843 242.
*Remote sessions – Sessions designed to resolve minor technical issues. Up to 1-2 day turnaround. Fair usage applies.** Discount on out of care plan workshop repairs, services, and visits. Excludes ANY hardware, software or new computer sales. Please click here for care plan terms and conditions or click here to see our full terms and conditions.